Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Winning Cv Tips
NB: some notes here are not applicable to Nigerian job seekers.
Cheers as you read.
No matter how many firms I apply to, I constantly get rejections despite being on track to get a good degree and from a good university. What am I doing wrong?
Cover letters
Graduate recruiters will pass over your application unless you tell them why they should employ you; this is best done in the cover letter. Bullet points make good reading as they show clarity of thought, break down the job description by bullet points and match each one with your suitability. Explain why you have decided to apply for this particular job, why you will be good at it and the reason you want to work for them and not their competitors.
Vague job descriptions - my qualifications aren't up to it, should I apply anyway?
Cover letters
Anything expressed as a minimum in a job description means just that, so if a minimum grade or qualification is required it means that recruiters are unlikely to consider candidates that don't have exactly what's specified. However, an overlap of skills, experience, qualifications and attributes is normal. This means that if you have a lower grade of qualification than the one advertised but some related experience it may still be worth applying. In all cases list what your relevant attributes are and they match the minimum requirements high up in your cover letter starting with your strongest. If you're really unsure as to what the recruiter is looking for, email them and ask for further information.
A lot of people tell me I have to exaggerate the truth in my CV to get on, and that everybody else is doing it anyway so I'd be daft not to join in.
Concentrate on writing a compelling profile (description of your attributes) at the start of your CV and you won't have to lie about your qualifications, skills or grades. It's fine to promote why you'd be a good hire, but you don't need to lie to do that; just think of your job application or CV from the recruiter's perspective.
Can potential employers demand that I take a drugs test?
Yes employers can demand that you take a drugs test, but they need to publish or inform candidates that this is a requirement. It is common to test for drugs in industries where candidates work with pharmaceutical or biochemical products, finances or with young or vulnerable people. The armed and emergency forces and the prison service are also increasingly using drugs tests.
I was too busy studying and then went travelling after uni. Everybody bangs on about work experience - what can I do?
Checking your work experience is an easy way for employers to figure out what you'll be like as an employee. However, you can get around having limited or no work experience by describing yourself from an employer's perspective. The best way to do this is in the 'profile' section of your CV. If you've been travelling you may well be adventurous, independent and self-motivated, if you travelled in a group perhaps you are also sociable and a good team player. Employers recognise that many of the skills you develop whilst travelling can easily be transferred to the workplace. For more advice on gap year travel see To gap or not to gap.
Some of my mates have said that it's a good idea to do voluntary work. Is this true or is it a waste of time?
This is good advice, volunteering can boost your confidence and help to build up a network of future employers or people that might recommend you for a job. Here's what Mark Crosby a volunteer teacher in Malawi had to say on the subject:
"I gained so much more in my confidence, my interpersonal skills, and my knowledge of development issues. And it really does add something to your CV."
How long should my CV be?
On average recruiters take 8 seconds to decide whether to screen a CV in or out. Keep your CV punchy and stick to the job of selling your abilities. Ideally it should be no more than two sides of A4 paper long. If you have recently graduated highlight your subject and course grades, also detail your dissertation or final year project describing its focus and how you went about completing it. Caroline Buckingham, Pro-Active Resourcer at Microsoft UK has the following tips:
"As you can imagine we get hundreds of CVs submitted to Microsoft every day, therefore it's very important for a candidate to really think about their CV before they submit it. Keep it clear, to the point and highlight all the relevant skills needed for the job you are applying for. You may need to change each CV for every position you apply for as this will ensure you are tailoring your CV to the needs of the job."
Should I include a photo or personal details in my CV?
There is no requirement to include marital status (this may not be the case for Nigerian employers), your vital statistics, or a photo in your CV as it's not relevant to your suitability for jobs. The exception are jobs where you wouldn't be considered unless you have certain attributes e.g. appearing on a reality TV singles show! Any unusual requests should be stated and explained in the job description. You don't have to justify life style choices; suitability for the role in question is all that a recruiter should be interested in.
How do I get good work references if I've been at university and don't have work experience?
If this is your first job references from tutors, mentors, or friends (preferably those that work in business) are fine. You don't need to stipulate who your referees are on your CV or job application, just put at the bottom of your CV that you do have referees available to be contacted if necessary. If your future employer (or college) wants to take up references, warn your referees and find out how they would prefer to be contacted. If your prospective employer wants to call your referees agree a time. You don't want your referee to get called mid-way through their weekly shop!
Qualified but lacking in experience
If you have the qualifications, but lack the experience, consider advising or working (part-time) with local businesses to build up your experience. Diversity or breadth of experience matters more than length of time. You will demonstrate enthusiasm and perseverance to your prospective employer and these personality facets add value to an organisation.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Top 10 CV Writing Tips You Must Know
Gather your background materials. To complete your CV, you’ll need to knowyour dates of employment at each of your previous jobsand when you went to school. You’ll also need to beable to describe your skills and accomplishments on thejob, so put some thought into those areas.
CV Writing Tip #2:
Decide on a format. Before youcan start writing a CV, you’ll need to decide ifthe functional or chronological format will work bestfor you. Remember, you want to put yourself and yourabilities in the best light.
CV Writing Tip #3:
Put together a general outline.A CV outline will help you get organized and willprevent you from overlooking any essential pieces ofinformation that should be included.
CV Writing Tip #4:
If your CV is targeted at aspecific employer or career path, learn all you canabout what they need. Spending time on this researchwill help you with your CV, with the cover letterthat goes with your CV, and with the upcominginterview. Make sure you know what qualities will mostbenefit the employer and think about how your abilitiesmatch those qualities. (Read another CV writing tipon how to target.)
CV Writing Tip #5:
Plan, plan, plan. Before youactually start writing, spend time just thinking abouthow you’ll present yourself in the CV. What is yourobjective in seeking a job? This objective should serveas a sort of bull’s-eye to structure your CVaround. What have been your most significantaccomplishments? You’ll want to highlight them. Whatunique qualities do you bring to an employer? Think interms of benefits. Also think about the CV designyou’ll use, the fonts within, and the CV wording .
CV Writing Tip #6:
Start writing, following youroutline. Take your time. Use a lot of action words . Beconcise. Don’t use "responsibilities included" or"responsible for." It’s a waste of space. Use bullets,rather than long paragraphs.
CV Writing Tip #7:
Cut and paste your content intoyour CV template. If you’re at this site, you’reprobably not an experienced, professional CVwriter. So, take a CV writing tip from a pro. Use aCV template . There is no reason why your CVmust look amateurish.
CV Writing Tip #8: Review, edit, and proofread likea maniac. One of the biggest CV mistakes is typosor grammatical errors. These errors may seem trivial,but they can cost you the interview, and ultimately thejob. After all, if you can’t be bothered to make surethat your CV is 100% accurate, what guarantee isthere that your job performance will be high caliber?
CV Writing Tip #9:
Get someone else you trust tolook at it. It can be really helpful to get someone whoknows you to look at your CV. Not only are theymore likely to catch simple errors, but they may pointout strengths you’ve missed or under emphasized. Tellthem you want their honest opinion and you’re open toquestions. Use their input to clarify your CV. Evenif you write your own CV, you may want to thinkabout getting a professional to do a CV critique .
CV Writing Tip #10: Send it out into the world. Themore CVs you submit, the more likely you are to getan interview. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket byapplying for only one job. And, don’t be afraid to takesome risks and apply for a job you’re interested in,even if you don’t quite match all the qualifications.Most employers ask for many more qualifications thanthey absolutely require.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
You and your dream job
What am I doing wrong?
Cover lettersGraduate recruiters will pass over your application unless you tell them why they should employ you; this is best done in the cover letter. Bullet points make good reading as they show clarity of thought, break down the job description by bullet points and match each one with your suitability. Explain why you have decided to apply for this particular job, why you will be good at it and the reason you want to work for them and not their competitors.Vague job descriptions - my qualifications aren't up to it, should I apply anyway?
Cover lettersAnything expressed as a minimum in a job description means just that, so if a minimum grade or qualification is required it means that recruiters are unlikely to consider candidates that don't have exactly what's specified. However, an overlap of skills, experience, qualifications and attributes is normal. This means that if you have a lower grade of qualification than the one advertised but some related experience it may still be worth applying. In all cases list what your relevant attributes are and they match the minimum requirements high up in your cover letter starting with your strongest. If you're really unsure as to what the recruiter is looking for, email them and ask for further information.A lot of people tell me I have to exaggerate the truth in my CV to get on, and that everybody else is doing it anyway so I'd be daft not to join in.CVsConcentrate on writing a compelling profile (description of your attributes) at the start of your CV and you won't have to lie about your qualifications, skills or grades. It's fine to promote why you'd be a good hire, but you don't need to lie to do that; just think of your job application or CV from the recruiter's perspective.Can potential employers demand that I take a drugs test?Yes employers can demand that you take a drugs test, but they need to publish or inform candidates that this is a requirement. It is common to test for drugs in industries where candidates work with pharmaceutical or biochemical products, finances or with young or vulnerable people. The armed and emergency forces and the prison service are also increasingly using drugs tests.I was too busy studying and then went travelling after uni. Everybody bangs on about work experience - what can I do?CVsChecking your work experience is an easy way for employers to figure out what you'll be like as an employee. However, you can get around having limited or no work experience by describing yourself from an employer's perspective. The best way to do this is in the 'profile' section of your CV. If you've been travelling you may well be adventurous, independent and self-motivated, if you traveled in a group perhaps you are also sociable and a good team player. Employers recognize that many of the skills you develop whilst traveling can easily be transferred to the workplace. How long should my CV be?CVsOn average recruiters take 8 seconds to decide whether to screen a CV in or out. Keep your CV punchy and stick to the job of selling your abilities. Ideally it should be no more than two sides of A4 paper long. If you have recently graduated highlight your subject and course grades, also detail your dissertation or final year project describing its focus and how you went about completing it. Caroline Buckingham, Pro-Active Resourcer at Microsoft UK has the following tips: "As you can imagine we get hundreds of CVs submitted to Microsoft every day, therefore it's very important for a candidate to really think about their CV before they submit it. Keep it clear, to the point and highlight all the relevant skills needed for the job you are applying for. You may need to change each CV for every position you apply for as this will ensure you are tailoring your CV to the needs of the job."Should I include a photo or personal details in my CV?There is no requirement to include marital status (this may not be the case for Nigerian employers), your vital statistics, or a photo in your CV as it's not relevant to your suitability for jobs. The exceptions are jobs where you wouldn't be considered unless you have certain attributes e.g. appearing on a reality TV singles show! Any unusual requests should be stated and explained in the job description. You don't have to justify life style choices; suitability for the role in question is all that a recruiter should be interested in.How do I get good work references if I've been at university and don't have work experience?If this is your first job references from tutors, mentors, or friends (preferably those that work in business) are fine. You don't need to stipulate who your referees are on your CV or job application, just put at the bottom of your CV that you do have referees available to be contacted if necessary. If your future employer (or college) wants to take up references, warn your referees and find out how they would prefer to be contacted. If your prospective employer wants to call your referees agree a time. You don't want your referee to get called mid-way through their weekly shop!Qualified but lacking in experience?If you have the qualifications, but lack the experience, consider advising or working (part-time) with local businesses to build up your experience. Diversity or breadth of experience matters more than length of time. You will demonstrate enthusiasm and perseverance to your prospective employer and these personality facets add value to an organization.Best wishes and get that dream job soon.
To get interview success tips on how to nail that next interview,click here
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
How to create a CV
The abbreviation CV stands for Curriculum Vitae, which literally means Life List. The purpose of writing a CV is to sell you and your unique skills to get an interview. It refers to what you have done in your career so far and specific information regarding your qualifications. The aim is to provide evidence of your skills, but not to tell your life story.
A good CV will add value to your job searching. The quality of your CV will determine whether or not you get an opportunity to sell yourself at an interview. Remember, your CV is the first impression a prospective employer gets of you, so don’t make it the last.
Your CV should be developed as a standard, organized document, but you will need to tailor it to individual jobs. This would normally be based on information in the advertisement, and the job description and person specification requirements.
There are many ways to develop and lay out your CV, but generally speaking, the following areas will be covered:
1. Personal details – your name, address, telephone number, mobile number, email address. Your potential employer needs to know how to get hold of you.
2. Personal profile – a summary paragraph about you, your experience, and your aspirations for your future career.
3. Your work history – this should cover a brief, but precise background about your career to date. This will include the job you have currently and those you have had in the past. Ideally, this will include your job title, the company name, dates of employment and a summary of your job and responsibilities.
4. Formal qualifications and professional development – this will include a list of your qualifications, and the name of the institutes where these were obtained.
5. Interests and hobbies – in this section you can summarize what you enjoy doing outside of work, which may set you apart from people with a similar background.
6. References – this will be the last section of your CV, and will normally detail that references can be made available on request.
When you are developing your CV, there are some other vital points you should remember:
• Your CV should ideally be no more than 2 pages long and never be more than 3 pages.
• Your CV should be typed and printed on good white quality paper, and not photocopied.
• Don’t use abbreviations in your CV. The person that reads it may not understand the jargon and you risk your CV being rejected.
• Ensure it looks professional, which easy to read type and layout. Ideally the font size should be point 12.
• Don’t lie on your CV and you will only be found out. Make yourself look as good as possible but you don’t need to lie to do that.
• And lastly, ensure your CV is free from errors। Check and double check the content, spelling, and grammar or ask someone to do this for you.
Copyright Karen Williams 2007. All Rights Reserved
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
How to relax Before an Exam/Apptitude Test
Exams are an integral part of student life. However giving these exams can be an inordinately stressful experience. Wondering if you are well prepared, whether you will be able to answer all the questions are common feelings that one encounters during the exam time. Much as we would like to avoid exams they are an unavoidable reality of our lives. However with some simple strategies it is possible to cope with the stress of exams.
Some Tips to Help You Relax before an Exam
* Positive mindset holds critical importance in ensuring that you perform better in the exam. It is quite common to go through the exam jitters and have negative thoughts. The only way to counter this is through positive thoughts.
* It is important that you complete your studies well in time so that you can give the exams without the fear. Plan out your studies properly, read notes, solve past questions and discuss problems or issues with common friends. Group study can also help you cover the portion in time. As you study make a list of your strengths and weaknesses. Cover the subjects that you feel you are weak in as this will only help you to feel more confident on the whole. Don’t make it a habit to stay up too late every night because a good night’s sleep is crucial to help you maintain your focus.
* If you plan and study properly then you will feel more confident and it will give you clarity to write the answers well. While you are preparing for the exams take some time out and relax. In this time you can go for a walk in the park, listen to some music or take up an activity that will help you relax.
* Many students feel nauseous before the exams. To control the feeling of anxiety and to prevent panic from setting in you can try to breathe deeply and slowly. You can tell yourself to take it easy and relax. If you do that you will realize that the feeling of anxiety can pass easily.
* It is equally important that you reach your exam center or hall in time. Keep to yourself at the exam center. Refrain from discussing with fellow students as you may discover that you haven’t covered some areas and that can make you feel panicky. Carry a watch so that you can keep track of the time while you are writing your exam.
* Be aware of the format of the exam so that you can plan out the exact time you need to give to every question. This will allow you to complete the exam well without being stuck in any portion. Read the paper entirely before you start writing. Make an appraisal of the answers that you can write well and start with those. Even if you feel you can’t write some answers properly don’t panic. Plan out the answer to each question and write it logically. Make notes of points that you need to incorporate in each answer.
* If you catch yourself worrying about any question stop yourself there, take a deep breath and regain your composure. You can use a mantra or an auto suggestion to infuse confidence in yourself. Something like, "I can do it" can help you maintain your focus on the task at hand.
* Drink water before you start your exam but avoid drinking too much water during the exam. Keep a small bottle so that you can keep yourself hydrated. Also ensure that you eat something an hour before the exam so you do not feel hungry during the exam. Do not eat too much before the exam as that can make you feel sleepy. Also avoid eating excessively heavy meals or oily food during the exam time. Drinking herbal tea can help you relax. Avoid excessive consumption of stimulants such as coffee or tea during the exam period.
* Once you are finished with the exam do something good for yourself. This will help you stop worrying about the exam and your performance. And remember it is just an exam at the end of the day so don’t base your worth on the exam and its results.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Resume Writing-Tips to get you ahead
Here are some time-tested resume writing tips. They will guide you in how to enumerate your personal details clearly, succinctly and in the correct order:
* State your full name, phone number, temporary and permanent address, and e-mail address
* State you educational qualifications, along with appropriate dates for each completed school, college and post-graduate course
* State you actual work experience, which should include internships, extracurricular activities, and significant volunteer work
* State your skills intelligently. Do not mention skills that have no bearing on the job for which you are applying and give relevant details for those that do
* State any academic and professional recognitions and awards conferred on you
Long, rambling resumes are no longer in favor and the single-page format gets the best results with employers. The accent is on short, pithy accounts of a prospective employee’s career to date. The details can appear either in chronological or functional format. In the chronological format, you start with your earliest job and work up to the latest you have held. In the functional format, you group your qualifications and experience under appropriate headings.
Your resume should not mention your personal hobbies, unless these have direct bearing on your chosen career path. Details of your extra-curricular activities should profile:
* Any value-adding skills that increase your profile and on-the-job value
* Any experience and qualifications you have gained in a job-relevant area that you excel in
Today’s employers give preference to candidates who have a wide range of professional experience. If you have any experience certificates, mention these in your resume and include copies of these as separate attachments. If you have held temporary jobs that are in keeping with the job you are applying for, mention these briefly. Having ‘temped’ gives you an extra edge in interviews. It proves that you have had exposure to different work cultures.
Employers also value any evidence of higher social awareness in prospective employees. If you have had a chance to work for a charitable organization, mention the fact in your resume. This value-adds to by it enormously. Mention details of all charitable work you have done. If you have feedback and commendation letters in this context, include those too as separate attachments.
Your resume must not only have all the relevant information - it also needs to look attractive. It is often not possible to format online resumes for better appearance. However, in an actual face-to-face interview with a prospective employer, the candidate with a properly composed, well-presented resume has a clear advantage. Get a person experienced in page layouts to format your resume if you lack the necessary skills. Then have it printed out on good quality paper, fold it neatly and enclose it in a right-sized envelope that bear you name and the position for which you are applying.
9 Powerful Tips to help you in asking for for raise
Raise Your Salary Tip 1: Make sure you deserve a salary raise. And learn how to prove it. Write down your skills and your accomplishments. Is there anything really unique about you or the service you offer to your employer? Write it down. Make sure you know everything about your contributions to the company.
Raise Your Salary Tip 2: Do you know what's the normal salary raise for someone like you? Seek that information. Learn everything about the salary range in your area of expertise. Ask co-workers or other people who do the same job. What is their salary?
Raise Your Salary Tip 3: Timing matters especially when you are about to ask for a raise. The idea is to choose the right time and the right place to give it a go. Does your supervisor looks happy today? Is he/she in a bad mood? Is he/she ready to listen to you? Is he/she ready to pay attention to what you have to say?. Your boss is just another human being and you don't want to ask for a raise when he/she is in a bad mood.
Raise Your Salary Tip 4: You know there are days when you feel you really worked hard. This always reflects to everybody in your working environment. There are days when you accomplish a difficult task or you finish a project you where preparing for months. Don't you think that day would be the best to ask for a raise?
Raise Your Salary Tip 5: Your boss will probably start a bargain with you. He/She wants to spend as little as possible and make a deal for less. It would be a good idea to ask for an amount of money that is a little bit higher than what you expect or deserve. If you feel deserving a 10% salary raise, ask for 15%.
Raise Your Salary Tip 6: Don't just think about yourself or what you have to offer. Be realistic. Is your company going through some hard times lately? Prepare yourself for a salary raise that's lower than you expected. Or wait some time until the company is wealthier.
Raise Your Salary Tip 7: Use your negotiating skills. Your supervisor may offer you a more flexible schedule, or a vacation time or some time off, instead of raising your salary. Be prepared for every possible option. Maybe a more flexible schedule is what you wanted after all.
Raise Your Salary Tip 8: Don't be shellfish. Your boss may turn you down for any reason. Do you have a plan B? If not, then create one. Regroup and get ready for action. Don't lose your temper or you'll lose it all. Most importantly, don't lose your sense of humor!
Raise Your Salary Tip 9: Don't quit. If you got turned down don't be disappointed. You need to insist. You need to try again and again. Meanwhile, keep improving your strategy. Try a better or different approach next time. If you want a salary raise you can get it easier if you keep believing.
Take your future in your hands. Stop being manipulated by your employer. Get the salary raise you deserve using powerful psychological and other secret techniques. Make your plan, prepare yourself, start negotiating and beat your boss! Then go out with your closest friend, buy him/her a beer and enjoy.
How To Get The Salary You're Worth In Your Job Interview
Now that the subject has been brought up, how does one respond? We are going to discuss some things that should help you be less anxious about salary negotiation.
First of all, be prepared for salary negotiation. You know that the subject is going to come up so prepare yourself. Do a little checking on what a person with your qualifications is earning in your demographic area. This will help you to formulate a salary range and give you confidence in discussing your salary when the subject comes up.
Do a little budgeting project. Write down what bills you have to pay each month and factor in for such things as gasoline, groceries, and anything else that may come up. Once you do this, you will have an idea of the absolute minimum salary that you can accept.
Sell yourself. Tell the interviewer why you are worth the salary that you are trying to negotiate for. Be prepared to discuss your skills and achievements.
Convince the interviewer that they need you. It is best not to discuss a salary right away. Instead try to inquire about the position that you are applying for. If an interviewer persists, pleasantly tell them that you can be flexible and would love to talk about the salary after you hear more about the position and your duties.
Always let the interviewer reveal the salary. Do not be the one to initiate a salary negotiation.
When the interviewer does bring up the question of desired salary, try to reflect the question back to them by asking what the employers were expecting to pay someone with your qualifications. If that does not work, give them a salary range that you are comfortable with because of the "homework" you did in preparation for the interview.
Do not lose your bargaining chip by disclosing you past or present salary. When you do this you are effectively forcing an employer’s hand with regards to a salary offer.
If the salary is lower than you expected, make sure that you are taking into consideration any benefits such as insurance, 401k plans, stock options, bonuses, and discounts to mention a few. These benefits can add as much as forty percent to the base salary.
When a salary offer is on the table, do not say yes immediately. Ask for twenty-four hours to think it over. This is good for a couple of reasons. If the offer is higher than you anticipated, you will have the opportunity to calm down and accept the offer with some semblance of decorum. If the offer is lower than you can reasonably accept, you will be alerting the interviewer that they may lose you unless a better salary offer is produced.
Once you and the interviewer have come to an agreement on the salary, get them to put the offer in writing, disclosing everything from the salary to the benefits you will be receiving.
If the offer is just too low and it will not support your needs, be polite in rejecting the offer. You never know when you might do business with in the future and you do not want to leave a bad impression.
Hopefully this has given you a better grasp on the art of salary negotiation and dispelled some of the anxiety of the most feared question in an interview.
How To Avoid the Top 6 Job Search Mistakes
Not taking the search seriously. Too many people who say they're looking for a new job take fail to approach it as the serious endeavor that it is. They send out an "okay" resume that they've had for 10 years, don't bother to proofread their cover letter for errors, or flake on sending a thank-you note after an interview. A job hunt is important, and you don't want to burn bridges with potential employers because you're too lazy to put in some effort. The solution? Get serious! Print out your resume and cover letter on high-quality paper, update your resume every few months, and contact the people you plan to list as professional references so they aren't caught off guard when a hiring manager calls them.
Lying on paper or in an interview. You were just a few credits shy of graduating from college, but that's close enough, right? Wrong. Most of us don't fudge on the big stuff-like fabricating degrees or places of employment-but many job hunters blur the line of truth when it comes to responsibilities they've had or skills they've mastered. Don't risk it. If you don't have the experience you need to land the job you want, work on getting it, rather than making it up.
Not keeping your network up to date. The worst time to realize you've let your network disappear is when you want (or need!) to look for a new job. Think of your network of contacts, associates, and mentors as a sort of life raft for those unexpected moments that pop up in everyone's career. When you tend to those relationships with periodic phone and email check-ins, coffees, and the occasional lunch, you're maintaining a valuable pipeline that can come in handy when you need to know where the jobs are-fast. If you've let things slide in that area, pick up the phone and ask a few people if they'll have coffee with you. They may be able to help you, but if they can't today, don't make the mistake of letting the relationships lapse again. You never know when you might need their help.
Not telling the employer what's in it for them. You've got a car payment due in two weeks. You want a better title. You need health insurance. All of these are great reasons to look for a new job, but they aren't great reasons for someone to hire you. See the difference? An employer wants to hear what kind of value you'll bring to the company and why she should take a chance on you, rather than the other 50 candidates. Think about what you bring to the table, and then sell it.
Leaving the rest up to fate. Your great resume got you an interview, and the interview went well. While you may be tempted to simply wait by the phone until you hear from the company, there's still plenty you can do. First, send a thank-you note to everyone you talked to (within one day of the meeting). Thank them for their time and let them know that you're available if they want to meet with you again. Second, follow up with anyone who may still have influence over whether you get the job. Let your references know they may be getting a call and thank them for agreeing to put in a good word for you. If you have a professional contact within the company, thank them for their help in learning about the opening, securing the interview, etc. Lastly, if you haven't heard from the company in a while, it's okay to place a brief phone call letting them know you're still very interested in the job.
The 7 Most Common Job Interview Question
1) "What makes you uniquely qualified for this position?"
2) "Tell me a little bit about yourself."
3) "How do you think your skill set fits into this company?"
4) "How do you feel about working with others?"
5) "What types of challenging situations did you face at your last job and how did you deal with them?"
6) "What is your biggest weakness?"
7) "What is one professional or personal achievement that you are proud of?"
When an interviewer asks for you to tell them about yourself, they are really not looking for personal information. They are trying to figure out how your past professional experience fits in with their company and whether or not it has prepared you for the job opening. Therefore, only speak about your professional experience and accomplishments. Avoid the personal details.
An interviewer may also ask you about your experience working within teams. This is because more and more companies are shifting towards team-based projects. Therefore, they want to be sure that they hire individuals who are able to work well with others.
You will likely be asked about what special qualities and skills you posses which qualify you for the job. It's important that you think of answers to these types of questions beforehand. Read the job description very closely and then tie in your skill set to what the company is looking for. The skills and experiences that you mention should prove to the company that you are capable of handling the job.
You may be asked at your interview how you have handled tough situations in the past. The interviewer is looking to see how you handle conflict and/or stress at the work place. Obviously, they will not want to hire someone who has a melt down when things don't go their way or when someone disagrees with them. Think carefully about your answer. Pick a situation where you successfully diffused a tense situation, came through on a project or dealt admirably with either a co-worker or customer who was upset or confrontational.
You may also be questioned about the types of achievements that you have accomplished. Now you want to emphasize great things that you have done on previous jobs. However, if you have there are some particularly impressive personal feats that you have accomplished such as completing a marathon or winning the Nobel Peace Prize, then these may be achievements that are worth noting even if they are personal.
Remember to always be prepared to answer common interview questions . If you follow the interview tips listed above, you should be fine. Just relax and believe in your abilities.
Step by Step Resume
Data such as start and end dates, supervisors names, average hours worked, name of company and address will be essential depending on the application process. Therefore, you should keep this information available during the entire job search.
Now you need to write down every detail you can remember about each position no matter how insignificant it may seem. Don't worry about spelling and grammar at this point, you are just getting the information.
Now arrange everything in order by getting that original data(dates, supervisors,etc) arranged in order of position. Look over what you have and start selecting action words that will begin you sentences. You want words such as increased, managed, directed, initiated, revised, etc.. The next thing you want are numbers that indicate how much effort (200 orders per day) or increase in production (form 75% satisfaction to a record 95%) or added revenue (increased the overall contract amount from $75 to $125 million per year).
You should put your resume in a format that is easy to change. You may want to change skills and some of the wording to better reflect your qualifications for certain positions you are applying for.
The most popular type of resume is the chronological. This is a list of your positions and accomplishments in order by date last to first.
You can embellish your resume but using theme paper and borders. However it is best to keep it simple though professional.
Start with the contact information including your name, address, phone number and alternate phone number, email address and if you wasted money paying for a company to do your resume for you, the web address where they say you can view your resume.
Next list your key skills. Don't over do it. Just list a few and focus on the skills needed for the job you are applying for at the time. Depending on the position, it may be necessary to revise your resume to better reflect the skills for a particular position as I mentioned above.
Now for the meat of the resume. Starting with your current or last position list the following information:
- Company name and position held
- Start and End dates
- Company City and State
- A brief description of your duties. Just two or three lines.
- Now list two or three accomplishments in bullet statement form under the position description
Do this for each position held covering at least the last 10 years if you've been working that long. If you have held several positions in the same company, it is not necessary to separate them into different positions but you do want to show any advancement within the organization. This can be done by using the bullet statement format.
Make sure you include the part time and volunteer work you did if any.
Now list any licenses or certifications that pertain to the position you are applying for.
At the end you can put your education accomplishments. Keep it simple list only the name of the institution, the year of graduation and the degree or major.
It is not necessary to list "References Available Upon Request". It is assumed that if they request references you will be able to provide them when asked. Make sure you do keep a current list of references both professional and personal with you at all times. Also make sure that you notify people that you have used them for a reference.
That's pretty much it. You can find sample formats in various books or on web sites. Just pick something that is clean, simple and professional looking. Most resumes can be created using readily available tools in Microsoft Word or other such products.
You will want to have plenty of copies of your resume available as well as a general cover letter that highlights certain skills and accomplishments. Try not to use the same information as in the resume.
you will want to save two copies on your computer, one as a .doc or word document and the other as a .text document. Often when you are applying on the Internet you cannot copy and paste a word document so it helps to have them both available. Also review the .text document after you save it to check for formatting errors. When you copy and paste your resume always use the "preview" option as the sites sizing requirements may adjust the location and order of some of your text.
Good Luck!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
How to Manage Salary Negotiations
Approaching the Employer
Probably one of the most challenging prospects of negotiating your salary is deciding how to approach an employer. It can feel very intimidating to tell a company how much you want them to pay you. But this task is easier if you keep in mind that you’re simply expressing your desire to be paid based on your skills and ability to perform.
So when is the right time to make the approach? If you’re in the process of accepting a new position, then the right time is when you reach that point in the conversation. However, if you’re looking to ask for a raise with your current employer, you’ll want to make sure that you’ve explored the reasons that you feel it’s time to increase your pay (years employed, responsibilities fulfilled, etc.). When you’re ready to approach your boss you can simply ask for a meeting to discuss your salary. Then openly and honestly discuss the reason you feel it’s time to increase your pay.
How Much to Ask For
The amount you should ask for will vary widely based on your field and the position you’re in/seeking. This means it will be important for you to conduct some research to determine how much individuals with your level of education/experience in the position you’re in/seeking are typically paid.
Also, the city you live in can make a difference. For instance, someone living in New York City might expect to make much more working as a Human Resources Recruiter than someone living in Nashville, Tennessee. There are a number of books and websites that can help you get an idea of what you might want to ask for within the parameters of your specific circumstances. So be sure to conduct your research to make sure you’re not asking for too much or too little.
What Else You Need to Know
If you find that the salary you hoped for is not agreed upon, you don’t have to give up hope. There are other factors like healthcare benefits, additional vacation days and bonuses that you may be able to adjust to create a financial equivalent. But if you are surprised with an offer that equals or surpasses what you planned to ask for, don’t be afraid to still negotiate. You may find that you may be able to sweeten the pot even more.
Engaging in salary negotiations can seem like a fierce battle, but they typically are not. If you go in with an idea of what you want to make and the reasons why, you will most likely come out making more than you thought you would.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
How to relax Before an Exam/Apptitude Test
Exams are an integral part of student life. However giving these exams can be an inordinately stressful experience. Wondering if you are well prepared, whether you will be able to answer all the questions are common feelings that one encounters during the exam time. Much as we would like to avoid exams they are an unavoidable reality of our lives. However with some simple strategies it is possible to cope with the stress of exams.
Some Tips to Help You Relax before an Exam
* Positive mindset holds critical importance in ensuring that you perform better in the exam. It is quite common to go through the exam jitters and have negative thoughts. The only way to counter this is through positive thoughts.
* It is important that you complete your studies well in time so that you can give the exams without the fear. Plan out your studies properly, read notes, solve past questions and discuss problems or issues with common friends. Group study can also help you cover the portion in time. As you study make a list of your strengths and weaknesses. Cover the subjects that you feel you are weak in as this will only help you to feel more confident on the whole. Don’t make it a habit to stay up too late every night because a good night’s sleep is crucial to help you maintain your focus.
* If you plan and study properly then you will feel more confident and it will give you clarity to write the answers well. While you are preparing for the exams take some time out and relax. In this time you can go for a walk in the park, listen to some music or take up an activity that will help you relax.
* Many students feel nauseous before the exams. To control the feeling of anxiety and to prevent panic from setting in you can try to breathe deeply and slowly. You can tell yourself to take it easy and relax. If you do that you will realize that the feeling of anxiety can pass easily.
* It is equally important that you reach your exam center or hall in time. Keep to yourself at the exam center. Refrain from discussing with fellow students as you may discover that you haven’t covered some areas and that can make you feel panicky. Carry a watch so that you can keep track of the time while you are writing your exam.
* Be aware of the format of the exam so that you can plan out the exact time you need to give to every question. This will allow you to complete the exam well without being stuck in any portion. Read the paper entirely before you start writing. Make an appraisal of the answers that you can write well and start with those. Even if you feel you can’t write some answers properly don’t panic. Plan out the answer to each question and write it logically. Make notes of points that you need to incorporate in each answer.
* If you catch yourself worrying about any question stop yourself there, take a deep breath and regain your composure. You can use a mantra or an auto suggestion to infuse confidence in yourself. Something like, "I can do it" can help you maintain your focus on the task at hand.
* Drink water before you start your exam but avoid drinking too much water during the exam. Keep a small bottle so that you can keep yourself hydrated. Also ensure that you eat something an hour before the exam so you do not feel hungry during the exam. Do not eat too much before the exam as that can make you feel sleepy. Also avoid eating excessively heavy meals or oily food during the exam time. Drinking herbal tea can help you relax. Avoid excessive consumption of stimulants such as coffee or tea during the exam period.
* Once you are finished with the exam do something good for yourself. This will help you stop worrying about the exam and your performance. And remember it is just an exam at the end of the day so don’t base your worth on the exam and its results.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Are You Making These Resume Mistakes?
If you have been conducting a targeted job search that is not generating any interviews or netting you zero results, it may be time to take a close look at the document you are marketing to recruiters and employers.
Are You Sold On A One-Page Only Resume?
If you are one of those die-hard executives who is still abiding by the one-page resume rule, you have just added weeks and weeks to your job search. How much valuable content did you have to eliminate to get years of leadership experience and expertise down to one page?
If you downplay your career progression and cut out critical information to get it all onto one page, you run the risk of appearing extremely under-qualified. Though your primary goal is to keep the resume content succinct, concise, and brief, if your career story is compelling and accomplishment-focused, then developing a two-page resume is very acceptable.
While there are innovative, one-page career marketing documents like the Networking Resume and Career Biography, your standard executive resume should not be squeezed onto one page.
Is The First Page Of Your Resume Confusing The Reader?
Keep this in mind, you have about 15 to 30 seconds to make a great impression to a potential employer or executive recruiter. Don’t make the mistake of filling your resume’s first page with heavy detail that does not support your qualifications, experience and expertise.
Information like education, certifications, associations, and volunteer work can take up too much valuable real estate on the first page if it is not directly related to your immediate job target. Instead, use the first page to strategically draw the reader with strong personal branding statement, career highlights, and core competencies that will put you in the “Yes” pile.
Are You Burying Your Executive Resume With Too Much Fluff?
If you have opted to include a summary of executive qualifications, key achievements or an executive profile, avoid adding “fluffy”, superfluous statements that don’t add value like these:
-- Great problem solver concerning customer relations, inventory management and cost containment.
-- Demonstrates superior leadership through conceptual thinking and strategic planning.
-- Articulate communicator with expertise in professional presentations and key professional relationships.
These statements are too general and can be used by any executive candidate – in addition, they do a poor job of communicating any real differentiating value between you and other jobseekers.
Why not use powerful statements like these:
• Forward-thinking strategist able to structure contract agreements, financial investments, and joint ventures that increase business growth and minimize financial losses.
• Broad-based expertise with marketing to diverse cultural and ethnic groups in untapped, domestic, and international markets.
Is Your Executive Resume Heavily Weighted With Career Achievements?
Anyone reading your executive resume should not have to work hard to determine if you are the right candidate and your “wow” factors should stand out immediately.
Always keep in mind that your executive resume is a career marketing document that needs to effectively “sell” you to potential employers.
When your career achievements and high-impact accomplishment statements are buried among your daily or overall responsibilities, you can easily be overlooked as a viable candidate.
You can draw attention to major career achievements in several formats:
A. Try writing an umbrella statement with quantifiable successes that really show your problem-solving and leadership capabilities. In both examples below, you would place the statement before the actual job description.
Developed a healthcare consulting services company from startup to fully operational in just nine months; grew annual revenues from zero to $5 million in first year.
Performance Impact: Introduced innovative process improvement initiatives that automated 45 processes, shrunk operating costs by $500,000, and eliminated 100% of manual, time-consuming tasks.
B. You can also use hard-hitting, bulleted statements that really stand out like these examples below:
• Delivered $13.5 million savings in general and administrative expenses by conducting extensive review of corporate and field human resources operations.
• Reduced annual HR expenditures 50% by eliminating duplicate costs, creating benefit efficiencies, and reducing employee training costs.
• Decreased staff turnover 20% and boosted employee satisfaction by implementing targeted recruiting, retention and human resources enhancement programs.
• Lowered annual benefit costs for two consecutive years by introducing managed care approach to employee health care plans.
Is Your Personal Brand Or Value Proposition Statement Missing From Your Executive Resume?
Adding a personal branding statement to your executive resume helps to manage the readers’ expectations right from the beginning. Think about your professional reputation, your unique attributes and the consistent trend of career accomplishments - use that information to write strong, memorable branding statement that can be included as part of the title header on your executive resume.
For example a Manufacturing executive may have a branding statement like this:
Engaging cutting-edge technologies to advance corporate-wide initiatives, expedite manufacturing processes, and achieve aggressive revenue / cost objectives.
If a career move is going to be on your list of your New Year’s resolutions, take the time now to get your executive resume and career marketing documents in order. It may be time to just toss your existing resume!
by Abby M. Locke